Publication :Cette collection contient des registres paroissiaux et d'autres enregistrements paroissiaux provenant de diverses églises situées aux Québec.
Texte :
Dans le "Register of the Parish of Montreal commencing the 5th. october 1766, ending the 5th september 1787 - by the Rev. Mr. D. G. Delisle",le premier registre protestant à Montreal on ne trouve pas le mariage mais une remarque importante est mentionnée:
"Two Clergimen officiated in the town
of Montreal for these years before
my appointment. the Rev. Mr. O'glivin
& the Rev. Mr. Benett, but they left
no extracts of their Registers.
The Rev. Mr. Doty & the Rev. Mr. Stuart
who kept a School at different times in
this Parish married & baptized many persons
not included in this Register.
The Rev. Mr Bethune a Presbiterian
clergiman having officiated for about three
years in this town Among those of his
profession has left lately without
giving a copy of the marriages &
chrisnings performed by him."