Base de données Le Fureteur - Données fiables

Paul BOYER1852

Given names
Birth April 8, 1852 31 41
Quality of data: primary evidence
Baptism April 11, 1852 (Age 3 days)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a brotherJoseph BOYER
between 1847 and 1853

Il a 24 ans au recensement de 1871 Il a 33 ans au recensement de 1881 Il a 27 ans lors de l'enregistrement de son mariage

Birth of a sisterRosalie BOYER
April 28, 1854 (Age 2)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Baptism of a sisterRosalie BOYER
May 7, 1854 (Age 2)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a brotherGeorge BOYER
February 16, 1856 (Age 3)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Baptism of a brotherGeorge BOYER
February 19, 1856 (Age 3)
Godmother: Emily GIRARDRelationship
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a sisterSophie BOYER
May 6, 1857 (Age 5)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Baptism of a sisterSophie BOYER
May 20, 1857 (Age 5)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1861 (Age 8)
Attending: Joseph BOYERfather
Attending: Sara PITTmother
Attending: James GORDONhalf-brother
Attending: Joseph BOYERbrother
Attending: Paul BOYERhimself
Attending: Julie BOYERelder sister

Ligne 30 Nom du résidant: Paul Boyer Endroit de naissance: Bas Canada Religion: Catholique romaine Âge au prochain anniversaire: 8 Sexe: Male Marié ou célibataire: Célibataire

Census 1871 (Age 18)
Attending: Joseph BOYERfather
Attending: Sara PITTmother
Attending: James GORDONhalf-brother
Attending: Joseph BOYERbrother
Attending: Julie BOYERelder sister
Attending: Paul BOYERhimself

Maison habitée: 85 Familles: 89 Nom: Paul Boyer Sexe: Masculin Age: 19 Pays ou province de naissance: Québec Religion: Catholique Origine: Français Métier: Fermier

Religious marriageRose Délima MANTHAView this family
September 26, 1878 (Age 26)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Census 1881 (Age 28)
Attending: Joseph BOYERfather
Attending: Sara PITTmother
Attending: Paul BOYERhimself
Attending: Rose Délima MANTHAwife
Attending: Joseph BOYERbrother

Nom: Paul Boyer Famille: 253 Sexe: Male Age: 28 Pays ou province de naissance: Q (Québec) Religion: Catholique Origine: Français Métier: Fermier Marié ou veuvage: M

Death of a fatherJoseph BOYER
February 25, 1887 (Age 34)
Death of a fatherJoseph BOYER
February 27, 1887 (Age 34)
Attending: Michael BOYERson
Census 1901 (Age 48)
Attending: Paul BOYERhimself
Attending: Rose Délima MANTHAwife
Attending: Rose Anna BOYERdaughter
Attending: Dorsina BOYERdaughter
Attending: Joseph BOYERson
Attending: Sara PITTmother

Famille: 120 Nom: Paul Boyer Sexe: Masculin Couleur: Blanc Relation de parenté avec le chef de famille: Chef Célibataire, marié, veuvage ou divorcé: Marié Mois et date de naissance: 8 avril Année de naissance: 1853 Âge au dernier anniversaire: 47 Lieu de naissance: Québec Origine selon la race ou la tribu: Français Nationalité: Canadien Religion: Catholique Métier: Cultivateur Rentier: Oui

CensusDorsina BOYER
1901 (Age 48)
CensusJoseph BOYER
1901 (Age 48)
Census 1901 (Age 48)
CensusRose Anna BOYER
1901 (Age 48)
CensusRose Délima MANTHA
1901 (Age 48)
CensusSara PITT
1901 (Age 48)
Death of a motherSara PITT
June 19, 1908 (Age 56)
BurialSara PITT
June 21, 1908 (Age 56)
Death of a sisterJulie BOYER
June 29, 1933 (Age 81)
Cause: Maladie chromi myocarditis
Burial of a sisterJulie BOYER
July 1, 1933 (Age 81)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Family with parents - filiation prouvée par son acte de mariage - View this family
Signature de Joseph Boyer (1880)Joseph BOYER
Birth: April 16, 1820Faubourg Saint-Laurent, Montréal, Bas Canada
Death: February 25, 1887Orléans, Ontario, Canada
Marriage: between October 1843 and 1848Région inconnue
5 years
elder sister
Birth: September 9, 1848 28 37Buckingham, Bas Canada
Death: June 29, 1933North Bay, Ontario, Canada
2 years
elder brother
Michael BOYER
Birth: September 17, 1850 30 39Buckingham, Canada
19 months
21 months
Joseph BOYER
Birth: between 1847 and 1853 26 36Ottawa, Canada
7 years
younger sister
Rosalie BOYER
Birth: April 28, 1854 34 43Buckingham, Canada
22 months
younger brother
George BOYER
Birth: February 16, 1856 35 45Buckingham, Canada
15 months
younger sister
Sophie BOYER
Birth: May 6, 1857 37 46Buckingham, Canada
Mother’s family with James GORDON - View this family
Marriage: before October 1843Région inconnue
Birth: about September 18, 1843 32Buckingham, Bas Canada
Family with Rose Délima MANTHA - View this family
Marriage: September 26, 1878Saint-Joseph, Orléans, Ontario, Canada