Base de données Le Fureteur - Données fiables

Sophie BOYER1857

Sophie BOYER
Given names
Birth May 6, 1857 37 46
Quality of data: primary evidence
Baptism May 20, 1857 (Age 14 days)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1861 (Age 3)
Attending: Joseph BOYERfather
Attending: Sara PITTmother
Attending: James GORDONhalf-brother
Attending: Paul BOYERelder brother
Attending: Julie BOYERelder sister
Attending: Sophie BOYERherself

Ligne 35 Nom du résidant: Sophie Boyer Endroit de naissance: Bas Canada Religion: Catholique romaine Âge au prochain anniversaire: 4 Sexe: Femelle Marié ou célibataire: Célibataire

Census 1871 (Age 13)
Attending: Joseph BOYERfather
Attending: Sara PITTmother
Attending: James GORDONhalf-brother
Attending: Julie BOYERelder sister
Attending: Paul BOYERelder brother
Attending: Sophie BOYERherself

Maison habitée: 85 Familles: 89 Nom: Sophia Boyer Sexe: Féminin Age: 14 Pays ou province de naissance: Québec Religion: Catholique Origine: Français

Religious marriagePierre MANTHAView this family
October 6, 1879 (Age 22)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Enregistrement civil de mariagePierre MANTHAView this family
October 12, 1879 (Age 22)
Death of a fatherJoseph BOYER
February 25, 1887 (Age 29)
Death of a fatherJoseph BOYER
February 27, 1887 (Age 29)
Attending: Michael BOYERson
Death of a motherSara PITT
June 19, 1908 (Age 51)
Death of a sisterJulie BOYER
June 29, 1933 (Age 76)
Cause: Maladie chromi myocarditis
Burial of a sisterJulie BOYER
July 1, 1933 (Age 76)
Religion: Catholique Romaine
Family with parents - filiation prouvée par son acte de mariage - View this family
Signature de Joseph Boyer (1880)Joseph BOYER
Birth: April 16, 1820Faubourg Saint-Laurent, Montréal, Bas Canada
Death: February 25, 1887Orléans, Ontario, Canada
Marriage: between October 1843 and 1848Région inconnue
5 years
elder sister
Birth: September 9, 1848 28 37Buckingham, Bas Canada
Death: June 29, 1933North Bay, Ontario, Canada
2 years
elder brother
Michael BOYER
Birth: September 17, 1850 30 39Buckingham, Canada
19 months
elder brother
21 months
elder brother
Joseph BOYER
Birth: between 1847 and 1853 26 36Ottawa, Canada
7 years
elder sister
Rosalie BOYER
Birth: April 28, 1854 34 43Buckingham, Canada
22 months
elder brother
George BOYER
Birth: February 16, 1856 35 45Buckingham, Canada
15 months
Sophie BOYER
Birth: May 6, 1857 37 46Buckingham, Canada
Mother’s family with James GORDON - View this family
Marriage: before October 1843Région inconnue
Birth: about September 18, 1843 32Buckingham, Bas Canada
Family with Pierre MANTHA - View this family
Sophie BOYER
Birth: May 6, 1857 37 46Buckingham, Canada
Marriage: October 6, 1879Saint-Joseph, Orléans, Ontario, Canada