Michelle AUCOINAge: 851621–1706
- Name
- Michelle AUCOIN
- Given names
- Michelle
- Surname
Birth | about 1621 25 Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Baptism of a sister | Jeanne AUCOIN November 26, 1630 (Age 9) Religion: Catholique Romaine Publication: Reconstitution exhaustive de la population du Québec ancien depuis le début de la colonisation française au XVIIe siècle à partir principalement des actes paroissiaux. www.genealogie.umontreal.ca Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Religious marriage | Michel BOUDREAU — View this family about 1641 (Age 20) Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Françoise BOUDROT about 1642 (Age 21) Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Birth of a son #2 | Claude BOUDROT about 1663 (Age 42) Publication: Stephen A. White. Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Centre d'études acadiennes, Universitéde Moncton, 1999 Quality of data: secondary evidence Note: Il a 8 ans lors du recensement Acadien de 1671
Marriage of a child | Étienne ROBICHAUD — Françoise BOUDROT — View this family Type: Religious marriage about 1663 (Age 42)Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Marriage of a child | Claude BOUDROT — Anne Marie THIBODEAU — View this family about 1682 (Age 61) Publication: Stephen A. White. Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Centre d'études acadiennes, Universitéde Moncton, 1999 Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Death | December 17, 1706 (Age 85) Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Burial | December 18, 1706 (1 day after death) Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Family with parents - filiation proposée selon les recherches de stephen white |
father |
Martin AUCOIN Baptism: April 26, 1595 — Saint-Pierre-Laleu, La Rochelle, Charentes, France Death: |
mother | |
Marriage: about 1620 — France |
2 years herself |
Michelle AUCOIN Birth: about 1621 25 — France Death: December 17, 1706 — Port-Royal, Acadie |
10 years younger sister |
Jeanne AUCOIN Baptism: November 26, 1630 — Notre-Dame-de-Cogne, La Rochelle, Aunis, France Burial: April 18, 1718 — Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Annapolis Royal, Acadie |
Family with Michel BOUDREAU |
husband |
Michel BOUDREAU Birth: about 1601 — France Death: |
herself |
Michelle AUCOIN Birth: about 1621 25 — France Death: December 17, 1706 — Port-Royal, Acadie |
Marriage: about 1641 — Port-Royal, Acadie |
2 years daughter |
Françoise BOUDROT Birth: about 1642 41 21 — Port-Royal, Acadie Death: |
22 years son |
Claude BOUDROT Birth: about 1663 62 42 — Port Royal, Acadie Burial: March 7, 1740 — Saint-Charles-des-Mines, Grand-Pré, Acadie |