Claude PETITPASAge: 691624–1693
- Name
- Status
- Occupation
- Greffier du tribunal d'Acadie (1639)
- Given names
- Claude
- Surname
- Nationality
- Français
- Relationship to parents
- france
Birth | about 1624 Source: LE GRAND ARRANGEMENT DES ACADIENS AU QUÉBEC - NOTES DE PETITE-HISTOIRE-GÉNÉALOGIES-FRANCE-ACADIE-QUÉBEC DE 1625 À 1925 - TOME VI Publication: Auteur Adrien Bergeron - Éditions Élysée - 1981 Quality of data: secondary evidence Publication: Bona Arsenault. 1965 Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Religious marriage | Catherine BUGARET — View this family about 1658 (Age 34) Religion: Catholique Romaine Source: LE GRAND ARRANGEMENT DES ACADIENS AU QUÉBEC - NOTES DE PETITE-HISTOIRE-GÉNÉALOGIES-FRANCE-ACADIE-QUÉBEC DE 1625 À 1925 - TOME VI Publication: Auteur Adrien Bergeron - Éditions Élysée - 1981 Quality of data: secondary evidence Publication: Bona Arsenault. 1965 Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Elisabeth PETITPAS about 1670 (Age 46) Source: LE GRAND ARRANGEMENT DES ACADIENS AU QUÉBEC - NOTES DE PETITE-HISTOIRE-GÉNÉALOGIES-FRANCE-ACADIE-QUÉBEC DE 1625 À 1925 - TOME VI Publication: Auteur Adrien Bergeron - Éditions Élysée - 1981 Quality of data: secondary evidence Publication: Bona Arsenault. 1965 Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Henriette PETITPAS Note: Naissance inconnue
Marriage of a child | Alexandre "L'Ancien" RICHARD — Elisabeth PETITPAS — View this family Type: Religious marriage between 1686 and 1690 (Age 62)Religion: Catholique Romaine Source: LE GRAND ARRANGEMENT DES ACADIENS AU QUÉBEC - NOTES DE PETITE-HISTOIRE-GÉNÉALOGIES-FRANCE-ACADIE-QUÉBEC DE 1625 À 1925 - TOME VII Publication: Auteur Adrien Bergeron - Éditions Élysée - 1981 Quality of data: secondary evidence Publication: Bona Arsenault. 1965 Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Marriage of a child | Prudent ROBICHAUD — Henriette PETITPAS — View this family Type: Religious marriage 1691 (Age 67)Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Death | before 1693 (Age 69) Publication: Bona Arsenault. 1965 Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Family with Catherine BUGARET |
himself |
Claude PETITPAS Birth: about 1624 — France Death: before 1693 — Acadie |
wife | |
Marriage: about 1658 — Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Port Royal, Acadie |
daughter |
Henriette PETITPAS Birth: Death: |
daughter |
Elisabeth PETITPAS Birth: about 1670 46 — Acadie Death: |